Operational status of Canebas Weather Station

Last update: 22 Oct 2024 1:02 PM

Operational status of Canebas Weather Station

  Status of WeatherCat subsystems
Status of Macitntosh/Weather Station link:

Status of CWOP submissions:

Status of Weather Underground submissions:

Status of FTP uploads to weather website:

Status of email notifications from WeatherCat:

Status reports for these WeatherCat subsystems are generated by WC Status Growler using the WeatherCat AppleScript interface. Errors should be very infrequent.

Status of WeatherCat AppleScript extensions
Time of last Zambretti forecast update:
9:00:16 AM
Time of last automated Twitter update:
4:01:07 PM

Data above provided by the WC Zambretti Forecaster and WC Twitter Uploader AppleScripts and provide the time of last update operation. Updates
frequencies depends the AppleScript's configuration,

Metrics of WeatherCat stability and performance
Version of WeatherCat:
V3.30, Build 300 (64 bit)
WeatherCat uptime:
5 days, 12 hours, 13 minutes
WeatherCat CPU use:
WeatherCat memory use: 368 Megabytes

Metrics are mostly generated by
WC Status Growler mostly via the UNIX command line utility top.  This information is obtained within a minute of the web page being generated.

Metrics of weather station connection reliability and instrument accuracy
Good data elements received from weather station:
Data link timeout errors:
Data link invalid data errors:
Weather station sensor errors:

Metrics are supplied to
WC Status Growler via the WeatherCat AppleScript interface.  Weather station data errors are normally all but nonexistent.

Metrics of Macintosh stability and performance
Version of Macintosh Operating system:
Macintosh uptime (time since last boot:)
6 days, 9 hours, 19 minutes
Macintosh load averages:
1.34, 1.52, 1.59
Free Memory:
38 Gigabytes

The metrics on the hosting computer shown above are generated by WC Status Growler from various UNIX and OS-X utilities.   This information is obtained within a minute of the web page being generated.  For more information on UNIX measures of system load averages see the following Wikipedia article.

Website based on the LWC SeaMonkey web template (Version - 0.5) for WeatherCat V3.30, Build 300 (64 bit)