Current Weather for Canebas Weather Station

Last update: 22 Oct 2024 1:02 PM

Current Conditions



High Today


Low Today



30.08 inHg

High Today

30.10 inHg

Low Today

30.04 inHg


0.00 in

Rain Rate

0.00 in/h (0.00)

Wind speed gauge Wind direction gauge Wind run gauge

Additional weather information for today:

Current Heat Index: 71.1 °F
Current Humidity: 46 %
Current Dew Point: 49.3 °F
High Windspeed Today: 7 MPH at 11:33 AM
Sunrise: 7:24 AM
Sunset: 6:20 PM
Today's Zambretti forecast: Settled fine
Current Davis Vantage Pro-2 forecast:
Partly cloudy with little temperature change.

Weather statistics for yesterday:

High: 75.8 °F at 1:11 PM
Low: 54.4 °F at 6:14 AM
High Heat Index: 75.8 °F at 1:11 PM
Low Windchill: 54.4 °F at 6:14 AM
High Humidity: 84 % at 11:24 PM
Low Humidity: 29 % at 12:10 AM
High Dew Point: 55.4 °F at 5:30 PM
Low Dew Point: 28.8 °F at 12:42 AM
High Pressure: 30.09 inHg at 10:01 AM
Low Pressure: 30.01 inHg at 6:54 PM
High Windspeed: 8 MPH at 2:18 PM
Rain: 0.00 in
Blaney-Criddle daily evapotranspiration: 0.08 in
Penman–Monteith daily evapotranspiration: 0.04 in

Weather statistics for the past week:

High: 79.9 °F on 20 Oct 2024 2:00 PM
Low: 52.2 °F on 20 Oct 2024 7:25 AM
High Heat Index: 79.9 °F on 20 Oct 2024 2:00 PM
Low Windchill: 52.2 °F on 20 Oct 2024 7:25 AM
High Humidity: 89 % on 22 Oct 2024 9:03 AM
Low Humidity: 22 % on 20 Oct 2024 3:23 PM
High Dew Point: 55.4 °F on 21 Oct 2024 5:30 PM
Low Dew Point: 28.4 °F on 20 Oct 2024 10:58 PM
High Pressure: 30.10 inHg on 22 Oct 2024 9:35 AM
Low Pressure: 30.00 inHg on 20 Oct 2024 4:33 PM
High Windspeed: 8 MPH on 21 Oct 2024 2:18 PM
Rain: 0.00 in
Blaney-Criddle evapotranspiration over the past 7 days: 0.52 in
Penman–Monteith evapotranspiration over the past 7 days: 0.19 in

Website based on the LWC SeaMonkey web template (Version - 0.5) for WeatherCat V3.30, Build 300 (64 bit)